7 foods in Thailand that you can’t miss

Thailand – floating markets, street bazaars, super-markets – all buzzing with mouth watering foods. One thing I will never understand about the Thais, is that despite having the most mind blowing and high calorie food in the whole wide world, how are these people so fit. Continue reading “7 foods in Thailand that you can’t miss”

5 offbeat things to do in Thailand

Thailand is among the top 10 tourist countries in the world. Beautiful beaches, limestone rocks, amazing street food, beautiful temples AND all of this for so damn cheap. I was in Thailand for about 5 days in the summer of 2018 and I was literally running around like a headless chicken, because there was so much that I wanted to see and so little time. Continue reading “5 offbeat things to do in Thailand”

5 of my all time favourite beach reads

A perfect beach day for me is when I am basking in the sun on a beach chair with a book, gorging on nachos, fries and beer, toning down crazy cheers from volleyball teams, waves crashing and a slight wind that threatens to fly away the food menu. Continue reading “5 of my all time favourite beach reads”

Choosing the perfect Goan beach for your vacation

Wake up early, rush to work, crawl from one meeting to another, follow up on tasks, get stuck in traffic for 2 hours, come home, get tired and doze off: if this sounds like your daily routine, it’s time to take some time off and head straight to GOA! Continue reading “Choosing the perfect Goan beach for your vacation”

Trolls or Art: hilarious portraits of famous people

Botero is one of the most popular artist in Colombia. Located right in downtown and free to visit, his museum is a must go-to if you are in Bogota! He is known for his depiction and “obsession” for exaggeratedly overweight people. So, if you are fit, you can forget about featuring in his art!! haha, anyway I just found his art exceptionally cute, so here is a photo-blog post of pictures from his museum. Continue reading “Trolls or Art: hilarious portraits of famous people”

Bolivia’s coolness coefficient: Does it live up?

Known for the largest salt flats in the world, Bolivia is fast emerging as a travel destination. Right from visiting the wild life in Amazon jungle, dinosaur footprints on a vertical wall to the largest salt flats in the world, one thing is crystal clear: Bolivia is not “conventional”, if you know what I mean. Like I said in my previous blogpost, it is not the most beautiful country in the world. But it is different. How different? Let’s calculate Bolivia’s coolness factor: Continue reading “Bolivia’s coolness coefficient: Does it live up?”

Ecuador’s coolness coefficient: Does it live up?

Sandwiched between Peru and Colombia, Ecuador is a small country in the north west of South America. I discovered a lot about this beautiful country when I visited the capital city this year (2015). Let’s calculate Ecuador’s coolness factor: Continue reading “Ecuador’s coolness coefficient: Does it live up?”